Inventory management

Manage inventory levels based on real-time and accurate visibility.

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Automated inventory counting using RAIN RFID, replaces manual counting and provides real-time visibility. For organizations, it is very important to be sure of what the inventory levels are. Today, most companies regularly count their inventory manually, a process that is lengthy, error-prone and very labor-intensive. By the time the cycle count is completed, in many cases the information is already outdated. Retailers can increase sales by preventing out-of-stock; having accurate inventory in the right place is key to their success. If a retail customer cannot find an item because it is not in the store, the sale is lost and the customer walks away dissatisfied. In healthcare, having insight in where inventory is can be critical and even save lives.


RAIN RFID member

Cisper is a proud RAIN RFID member. RAIN RFID is a global alliance that promotes the adaption of UHF RFID technology.

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